Assoc. Professor in Theatre Studies, University of Michigan

Ann Arbor Campus


Full-Time, Regular

SMTD Department of Theatre

POSTING BEGIN/END DATE: 4/04/2018 – 9/30/2018

Rank:  Assistant/Associate Professor in Theatre, Theatre Studies.  Tenure-track.  Faculty post available September 2019

Duties: Teach history of theatre and historiography, dramatic literature and criticism on the undergraduate level. Participate in the development of a curriculum in dramaturgy, intercultural performance, social justice, race and gender, interdisciplinary studies and/or devising. Opportunities for teaching critical approaches to theatre curation and new play development. Maintain national professional profile. Participate in faculty governance, attend faculty and departmental meetings, and serve on faculty and University committees as appropriate. 

Required Qualifications

Ph.D in Theatre, Performance Studies or a related field. Minimum four years teaching at the University level. A strong background in theatre history and theory, cultural studies, and one of the subjects mentioned under Duties. A willingness to collaborate on a team of faculty with varied approaches. Evidence of teaching experience and publication/scholarly work. Documentation of professional credits in one or more specific interests, on a national and/or international level.

Mission Statement

ABOUT THE SCHOOL OF MUSIC, THEATRE & DANCE.  As a comprehensive performing arts school set in one of the world’s finest public institutions of higher education, the School of Music, Theatre & Dance (SMTD) is deeply engaged in the creation, practice, scholarship, and pedagogy of music, theatre, and dance. We aim to provide leadership, nationally and internationally, in all three fields. We assert and celebrate the value of the arts to the mission of the University of Michigan. SMTD is strongly committed to diversity and inclusion as a means of achieving and sustaining excellence.

To Apply:  Email a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, including evidence of professional and teaching activity, and a list of at least five current references with contact information, by October 1, 2018 to:  Please add “Theatre Studies” to the subject line of the email.  

For full description and more information, visit 

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