Assistant Professor of Theatre Studies, UNC Wilmington

Location: Wilmington, NC, UNCW Main Campus

The Department of Theatre at the University of North Carolina Wilmington seeks a tenure track Assistant Professor in Theatre Studies to begin August, 2019. This is an academic position in theatre within an undergraduate BA Program. Primary responsibilities include teaching theatre history courses, script analysis, and specialized diverse areas related to the candidates’ expertise. Develop pedagogy and online courses within the customized option. Advise students. Write grants or proposals to secure funding for research and pedagogical endeavors. Service work as assigned by Department chair. Active research agenda that includes publication and presentation at regional and national conferences.

Minimum Requirements: Ph.D. in Theatre at the time of hire. Experience teaching at the college or university level. Ability to teach theatre history, script analysis and build on existing pedagogy in the customized option related to the candidate’s specialized areas of interest. Familiarity with current online teaching formats and curricula, digital archives, and research methodologies. Record of scholarly activity and publishing agenda that is ongoing. Ability to collaborate with others in creating new curricula. Some experience with writing proposals or grants. Current with trends in the field both nationally and internationally.

Preferred Qualifications: Clear evidence of regional, national or international conference presentations and/or publications, work as editor or assistant editor, or, on editorial board. Candidate shows experience in developing new pedagogies and current curricula in their field of interest (including online courses) related to a culturally diverse population. An emerging or established reputation in chosen area of scholarly expertise. Participation and membership in organizations related to candidate’s field: i.e. ATHE, ASTR, ISTR, LMDA, etc. The preferred candidate demonstrates ability and record of writing successful proposals and grants suited to funding research or advancing pedagogy.

Primary Function of Organizational Unit: Our mission is to provide high level education and training in theatre art within the context of a liberal arts environment. For our majors committed to performance or production, we combine pre-professional training with a solid academic core in order to prepare our students for a range of outcomes: from entry into the theatre and film markets to exciting careers in related fields of communication and other cognate disciplines. For theatre minors or general university students we offer a range of production opportunities, as well as academic and active learning workshop classes to augment the general student’s breadth of knowledge. For the university community and beyond we provide outreach programs and an eclectic and engaging season of productions that promulgate our view of theatre as both art and humanity.

College/School Information: At UNCW, the College of Arts and Sciences provides the vital foundation for the university’s pursuit of excellence. Through our teaching, we educate students for lives of fulfillment in the twenty-first century. Through our research, we advance the state of knowledge and creativity in the arts and sciences. And through our outreach, we improve the quality of life in Southeastern North Carolina and beyond.

University Information: The University of North Carolina Wilmington, the state’s coastal university, is dedicated to learning through the integration of teaching and mentoring with research and service. A public institution with nearly 16,500 students, the university is known for its superb faculty and staff and powerful academic experience. With an array of high-quality programs at the baccalaureate and master’s levels, and doctoral programs in marine biology, educational leadership, psychology and nursing practice. UNCW is consistently recognized at a national level for academic excellence and affordability by publications like U.S. News & World Report, Kiplinger’s Personal Finance and The Business Journals. UNCW also recently earned the 2015 Community Engagement Classification from the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, bestowed to higher education institutions dedicated to community involvement.

Applicant Instructions: Candidates should provide an updated Curriculum Vita, letter of application, list of three professional references including email contacts, and a writing sample or list of article links. Candidates should familiarize themselves with Department of Theatre.

Priority Consideration Date: 10/29/2018. Priority consideration will be given to applications received by the Priority Date; however, applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

Address application documents to Dr. Paul Castagno, Search Committee Chair

Required Documents:

Cover Letter

Curriculum Vita

Writing Sample

List of 3 Professional References

For full description and to apply, visit


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