Assistant or Associate Professor of Theatre History/Dramatic Literature, CSU Fullerton

Fullerton, CA

Job ID: 10561BR

Performing Arts

Appointment Type:

Date Posted:
August 2, 2018

Closing Date:
Open until filled

Campus Employment Homepage:


Theatre History/Dramatic Literature

The Department of Theatre and Dance in the College of the Arts at California State University, Fullerton, invites applications for a full-time Assistant or Associate Professor tenure-track faculty position in Theatre History and Dramatic Literature with appointment to begin in Fall 2019. The Department strives to further CSUF’s identity as an institution that welcomes and embraces diversity. We strongly encourages applications from candidates who can demonstrate through their teaching, research/creative activities, and service that they can contribute to the diversity and excellence of our community.

The Department of Theatre & Dance serves approximately 600 Majors, with 23 Full-time and 28 Part-time Faculty and 14 Full-time Professional Staff, and offers BFA Degrees in Acting and Musical Theatre; BA Degrees in Theatre, Design & Production, and Dance; and MFA Degrees in Directing and Design & Production.  

The yearly season consists of up to 10 main stage and 8 studio series productions (performed, designed, and staffed by students) including plays, musicals, dance, and opera, produced in 5 spaces, utilizing a variety of faculty directors, graduate student directors, and guest directors. 

The Department of Theatre and Dance at California State University, Fullerton, is fully accredited by NAST (National Association of Schools of Theatre), NASD (National Association of Schools of Dance), and is a member of URTA (University Resident Theatre Association) and USITT (United States Institute for Theatre Technology). For more information about the department, please visit:  

The primary professional responsibilities of this instructional faculty member are: teaching combination of undergraduate and graduate courses in Theatre History, Dramatic Literature, Theory, Criticism, and Research Methodologies, along with other courses in the major, as needed. These responsibilities generally include: advising students; engaging in an active and successful program of scholarly research and publication in the discipline; participation in Department, College, University, and system-wide committees; maintaining office hours; working collaboratively and productively with colleagues; participation in traditional academic functions; and contribution to the regional and national organizations of university theatre educators.

Positive tenure and promotion decisions require excellent teaching; a record of scholarly research and publications in the discipline; strong leadership contributions to Department and University committees and to external professional organizations that serve the broader disciplinary community. 

• A Ph.D. degree in Theatre History and Dramatic Literature. ABD’s may apply but must show evidence that the degree will be completed by the time of appointment.  
• 3 years of university-level teaching experience in courses specifically relevant to the position 
• Evidence of an active and productive agenda of scholarly research and publication
• Evidence of excellent writing skills, a strong commitment to intellectual inquiry and currency in the specific teaching disciplines
• A demonstrated ability to interact effectively with a wide and culturally diverse range of students, faculty, and staff 

A background check (including a criminal records check) must be completed satisfactorily before any candidate can be offered a position with the CSU. Failure to satisfactorily complete the background check may affect application status of applicants or continued employment of current CSU employees who apply for the position.

Rank and Salary
The position will be at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor, tenure-track. Salary is commensurate with rank, experience, and qualifications. Moving expenses, start-up funds, and a reduced teaching load may be available. An excellent comprehensive benefits package is available that includes health/vision/dental plans; spouse, domestic partner and dependent fee-waiver; access to campus child-care; a defined-benefit retirement through the state system, along with optional tax sheltering opportunities. For a detailed description of benefits, go to  

Appointment Date
August 2019

Application Procedure
A complete on-line application must be submitted in order to receive full consideration. To apply, please go to: to view all job listings and select 10561BR to begin the application process and provide the following materials:

Applicants will submit
1. Cover letter (relating your experience to the required and preferred qualifications) addressed to Theatre History/Dramatic Literature Search Committee
2. Current Curriculum vita/professional resume
3. Graduate transcripts  
4. List of three professional references: name, best telephone contact number, email address
5. Teaching Philosophy Statement
6. A statement about your teaching experiences, successes, and challenges as well as your commitment to working with a diverse student population, faculty, and community

Competitive Candidates contacted by the Search Committee will be required to submit:
1. Three letters of recommendation (see submission instructions below)
2. Digital Portfolio of Scholarly Research and Publications
3. Examples of specific course materials, syllabi, handouts, PowerPoint/Keynote presentations

On the References Page of the online application, enter information and email addresses for three referents who will provide confidential letters of reference for your application. Each referent will immediately receive a request via email along with information on uploading the letter. You will be able to verify that each letter has been received by CSUF by logging back in to the recruitment system.

Please direct all questions about the position to: Dale A. Merrill, Dean, College of the Arts at, with the subject line “Theatre Search” or call 657-278-3256. 

Application Deadline
Review of applications will begin immediately. All applications received by November 5, 2018, are assured full consideration. Position will remain open until filled. Multiple positions may be hired from this recruitment based on the strength of the applicant pool.

The persons holding these positions are considered ‘mandated reporters’ under the California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act and are required to comply with the requirements set forth in CSU Executive Order 1083 Revised July 21, 2017, as a condition of employment.

California State University Fullerton celebrates all forms of diversity and is deeply committed to fostering an inclusive environment within which students, staff, administrators, and faculty thrive. Individuals interested in advancing the University’s strategic diversity goals are strongly encouraged to apply. EEO employer. Reasonable accommodations will be provided for qualified applicants with disabilities who self-disclose. 

For more information and to apply, visit 


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